US and Canada begins Phase 1 pilot of Beyond the Border Action Plan

On September 30, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security and the Canada Border Services Agency began the Phase 1 pilot of the Entry/Exit program under the Beyond the Border Action Plan.  This new system will help the United States and Canada keep track of the departure of individuals subject to removal orders; identify individuals who potentially overstay their lawful period of admission; and verify if the residency requirements are being met by individuals for continued eligibility under immigration programs.   

Under the pilot, the Department of Homeland Security and the Canada Border Services Agency will collect routine biographic information of third-country nationals (those who are neither citizens of Canada nor the United States), lawful permanent residents of the United States, or permanent residents of Canada at the four ports of entry listed below, and will exchange it to record entry into one country so that it becomes a record of exit from the other country. 

  • Pacific Highway, Blaine, Washington/Pacific Highway, British Columbia;
  • Peace Arch, Blaine, Washington/Douglas (Peach Arch), British Columbia;
  • Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, Lewiston, New York/Queenston-Lewiston Bridge, Ontario; and
  • Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls, New York/Niagara Falls Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls, Ontario.