Consequences of Attending Public School on a B-1/B-2 Visa

Navigating the complexities of U.S. immigration law can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding the limitations and allowances of various visa categories. One crucial issue that often arises is the legality of attending public school while on a B-1/B-2 visa. This blog aims to shed light on the serious repercussions of this action and the potential long-term consequences for both the child and their parents.

Understanding B-1/B-2 Visa Restrictions

The B-1 visa is designated for business visitors, while the B-2 visa is for tourists. These visas do not permit their holders to engage in certain activities, including employment and full-time education. This restriction is vital to maintain the integrity of these non-immigrant visa categories.

Educational Access and Non-Discrimination

As mentioned in our previous blog, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Education (DOE) enforce policies to ensure non-discrimination in public education, regardless of race, color, national origin, perceived citizenship, or immigration status. While this enforcement promotes educational equality, it does not override the immigration laws governing visa statuses.

Violation of B-1/B-2  Status

Enrolling a child in public school while on a B-1/B-2 visa is considered a violation of the terms of the visa. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) strictly enforces this rule. When a child on a B-1/B-2 visa attends a public school, they are deemed out of valid immigration status. This violation can have significant consequences, including:

1. Immediate Status Violation: The child is immediately considered to be in violation of their immigration status, which can lead to removal proceedings.

2. Future Visa Challenges: Any future attempts to obtain a visa to return to the United States may be significantly hindered. A record of status violation can lead to denials based on the perceived risk of future non-compliance.

Consequences for Parents

The repercussions extend beyond the child. Parents who enroll their child in public school while on a B-1/B-2 visa can face severe consequences, including being deemed alien smugglers. This classification carries serious legal ramifications:

1. Inadmissibility: Parents can be deemed inadmissible to the United States. This means they would be barred from entering the country for any reason without a waiver.

2. Waiver Requirements: Obtaining a waiver is a complex process. For non-immigrant visas, a waiver may be possible, but it requires a substantial showing of hardship and other factors.

3. Permanent Residence: There is no waiver option available when applying for an immigrant visa (permanent residence or a green card). This permanent bar underscores the severity of the violation.

Legal Guidance and Compliance

Given the severe consequences of violating B-1/B-2 visa terms by attending public school, it is crucial to seek legal advice if there is any uncertainty about visa conditions. Compliance with immigration laws is essential to maintain one’s status and to ensure future opportunities for entry into the United States.

At Sharma Law Offices, LLC, we specialize in navigating the intricacies of U.S. immigration law. Our experienced attorneys can provide guidance and representation to help you understand and comply with visa requirements, ensuring your actions do not jeopardize your immigration status.


While the DOJ enforces policies to ensure non-discrimination in public education, this does not negate the immigration law restrictions placed on B-1/B-2 visa holders. Attending public school while on these visas is a clear violation, carrying severe repercussions for both the child and their parents. To avoid these pitfalls, it is crucial to seek knowledgeable legal counsel and strictly adhere to visa conditions.

For more information on immigration laws and to ensure compliance with your visa status, please schedule a consultation with Sharma Law Offices, LLC.