The E-3 Visa for Australians: Importance of the LCA

Navigating the intricacies of U.S. immigration can be daunting, especially when it comes to the E-3 visa specifically tailored for Australians. The E-3 visa holds a special place in the U.S. immigration system, recognizing the unique relationship between the U.S. and Australia. In this guide, we’ll delve into the nuances of the E-3 visa’s association with the Labor Condition Application (LCA) and its pivotal role in the visa process.

What is the E-3 Visa?

The E-3 visa is designed exclusively for Australian nationals who are entering the U.S. to work in a specialty occupation. One of the critical requirements for obtaining this visa is the certified LCA.

The Role of LCA in the E-3 Visa Process

A certified LCA is essential for securing an E-3 visa, either through an application at a U.S. consular post abroad or with a Form I-129 Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker filed domestically with the USCIS. The LCA serves as proof that employing the foreign worker will not adversely affect U.S. workers.

LCA Validity Period for E-3 Visa

According to 20 CFR 655.750(a), an LCA for an E-3 visa can only be certified for a maximum of two years. When filling out the Form 9035, if one checks “E-3 Australian” in Section A Program Designation, only a two-year period can be entered in Section D for the Period of Employment. Consequently, when such a certified LCA is submitted to USCIS, the E-3 validity granted aligns with the LCA’s validity period.

9 FAM 41.51 N16.9 further stipulates that the visa’s validity period should never surpass the LCA’s validity. However, some consular posts mistakenly grant visas with a validity span of up to two years from the visa application or issuance date, instead of the LCA’s expiration. These variations can create confusion for visa holders. Some posts annotate the LCA’s expiration date, while others may note its certification date in the visa’s comment section.

Challenges with CBP Issued I-94s

Upon arrival in the U.S., E-3 visa holders often face another set of challenges with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Visa holders report receiving I-94s with varying admission periods – from one year from the application date, two years from the application date, through the visa’s validity period, or even through the LCA’s remaining validity period.

It’s crucial to note that CBP typically does not consider the LCA’s validity period, even if the LCA expiration date is annotated on the visa. This oversight can lead to E-3 visa holders being admitted for periods exceeding the LCA’s validity. This not only poses potential employer liabilities but also raises questions about the maintenance of the individual’s E-3 status.


While the E-3 visa presents a golden opportunity for Australians to work in the U.S., it’s essential to understand the intricacies of the LCA’s role in the process. Ensuring that all documents align in terms of validity periods can save visa holders and their employers from potential complications down the road. If you’re an Australian national considering the E-3 visa, it’s always advisable to consult with an immigration expert to navigate these complexities effectively.